To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of people;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived

This is to have succeeded.

-Bessie Stanley & Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 17, 2010

7 weeks

I am finding there is always so much I want to include in these posts as I reflect on them during the week. It has only been two weeks since we found out I am expecting, but considering all the looking ahead to the future we've done and how much communicating we've done with family and friends, it feels like so much longer. I am trying to listen to my body's changes while not overanalyzing fatigue, weird cravings, and just the fact that my body is REALLY going to be changing over the coming weeks. There are many days I feel like this (below):
Already, baby has doubled in size between week 6 and 7!

Last Thursday was my initial meeting with an RN to go over paperwork and a bunch of introductory things I will be anticipating in the coming months. Tomorrow, Monday, Joe and I will be meeting our nurse-midwife and she will perform the very first ultrasound!! It simply won't be real until we hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time. (I know I will be skinned alive if I don't post those first ultrasound pics on facebook!) Our other objective is to further narrow down the baby's due date. I have estimated June 3rd, but I very well could stand to be corrected. (This is due to my irregular cycle; only every 60 days as opposed to 30 for every other woman on the planet.) So at least we know I am at least 7 weeks; I could be further depending on the ultrasound.

You may have notice that I am not bearing my belly for the world to behold in my prego photos. I honestly wanted to lose quite a bit of weight before we tried for children, and I truly made a new commitment to this. I got a YMCA membership, started faithfully working out 3-4 times a week for an hour and decided to take a closer look at my diet. And then I found out I was pregnant about a month later. Honestly, one of my biggest fears is gaining more and more weight and just being as big as a house in no time. I have to say I envy women to proudly bear their 10 week prego pictures and they are flatter than I am now or was even before 7 weeks ago. Besides my husband, I don't really think the world wants to see my belly right now- let's wait until I actually do have a proud round belly to show. Today we went to the pumpkin patch with my parents who happened to be in town visiting. It was a glorious day- one of the last blue-sky days of fall- and so after church we went down to Lacey to enjoy ourselves. (I forgot to bring my camera!) Joe and I bought 3 pumpkins to represent our growing little family.

Right now, Leo will have to suffice in terms of our little one we baby. Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Pobrecito Leo! The indignity!
    Thanks for sharing the lovely fall day with us yesterday. Looking so forward to seeing our baby's 1st ultrasound posted here. xoxoxo
