Perhaps I should revise my blog post "My little family" I made earlier this month. Because...
We are expecting a baby! I am due about the end of May, beginning of June. I calculated June 3rd, but we'll see what baby has to say about that. My first ultrasound is October 18th, and that's when we will hear the heartbeat for the first time. It will finally hit home that WE'RE HAVING A BABY. Right now, it doesn't seem real at all, other than my almost chronic upset tummy and the fact that I threw up my breakfast in the YMCA parking lot this morning because I accidentally took my pre-vital vitamin on an empty stomach. Read on to learn the whole story...
About a week into September, I began to have that sinking feeling that something was different and over the next two weeks, it was definitely on my heart and mind that I might, kinda, sorta could be pregnant for a fact. I can't say exactly how I felt; it was more of a feeling that my body was shifting and changing in ways I cannot put my finger on. No morning sickness. (Yet). I tried to ignore these suspicions all month long, but on Monday, Sept 27th, as I was reading about the human cell for my Anatomy & Physiology class (a tad ironic...), my curiosity got the better of me. I put down my book and got up and drove to the grocery store where I bought a 3 pack of tests. ( I wanted to be good and darn sure.) Lo and behold, they all came up positive. I watched in disbelief as it was confirmed three times before my eyes that yes, I was going to be a mother and that we were going to be parents.
Needless to say, I couldn't concentrate on anything else for the rest of the afternoon. By this time, it was about 12:30, and I realized that Joe wasn't done with the school day until 2pm. Nevertheless, I tried to text and call him in vain, frantic attempts to let him know what was happening. In between the calls and texts, I began voraciously housecleaning in an effort to kill time. We were going to the wedding of Mark and Merissa that afternoon anyway, so I knew it wouldn't be long before I saw him. Shortly before the ceremony started at 3pm, I showed him the three positive pregnancy tests. Bless him, he didn't know what they were when he saw them. I said, "Honey, these are three positive pregnancy tests." (Now, Joe has been wanting a baby longer than I have and he actually couldn't believe that I was giving him the best news he'd ever heard.) Below is a picture of us right before the ceremony and after I told him the exciting news.

During the ceremony, I cried for joy for not only Mark and Merissa Marr (the sweetest couple) but also because my cup runneth over! How sweet it was to tell my husband our newest adventure and then witness a couple so in love with each other and the Lord exchange vows. We've had quite the roll coaster ride the three years we've been married. Watching other couples get married is one of the sweetest joys because the couple really has no idea what they're actually vowing to each other (yet) and what it means to uphold I Corinthians 13 in a marriage day in and day out. Below is from the wedding.

Despite my initial excitement, I didn't want to get my hopes up to high before I actually had an official test done at Group Health. I didn't want to go by myself, so Joe met me the next day at 4pm after school. We weren't waiting but 90 seconds after the test was done when the lab assistant greeted us with the piece of paper that sealed our fates. Another positive test. (I have to admit, even after 4 tests, it really doesn't seem real yet.) We decided to call Joe's parents first because they live in Fargo. (His mother screamed with joy and his dad said in his understated way, "Well, that is big news.") My parents have wanted this so badly for so long, they finally released the anticipation they've held inside for so long.
We've spend several hours this week calling our family and friends to let know.
The best part of the whole experience is people's genuine reactions and excitement for us because NO ONE WAS EXPECTING THIS. It's a total surprise and shock to everyone. Including us. We were really trying but we weren't really not trying. We didn't tell anyone this so nobody expected any news any time soon. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love surprises and I love surprising people. Absolutely priceless. There is so much I could write, but I will save it for later... Here is the first prego shot at 5 weeks to close with.